Though, many people have been using computers for a couple of years and have seen some feature(s) and might not or do not know their function(s). Today, I'll be showing you some couple of windows feature(s) you can enale in order to hide your files and folders on your PC. When I ws a kid,i used to hide my private files in subfolders(thus, I create about subfolders within a folder and I'll place my private files in the last subfolder ...funny though, but now, windows has brough about some few steps in order to hide your private files and folders on your PC. After reading this post, you'll be able to hide your files and folders on your computer.
How to hide files and folders in windows 7
1.Right click on the folder or file you want to hide.◦a pop-up menu will appear, under the General panel, select hidden and click on OK
2.Now, go to my computer.
◦on the menu bar, there are some panels displayed on it, such as home, share, view etc.
◦click on view, under view panel, click on files and folder options
◦A pop-up menu will appear containing 3 panels, thus; General, View and Share, click on view in order to display the view panel.
◦You'll see a scroll box under view panel, select Don't show hidden files, folders or drives and press OK
You have now hidden your folders. NB: Before you can hide any file or folder, make sure you use step 1 only since you've already done all the "nasty" work.
Windows 8 and 10
(Use Step 1 above and continue with the steps below)1.Go to my computer.
2.Click on view panel at the top of your screen.
3.Click on options under the view panel.
4.Select Don't show hidden files,folders and drives and click OK.
your files are now hidden. That's all on how to hide files and folders on your computer.
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