Chrome is one of the best and fastest web browser in our generation which is owned by tech giant Google. Google chrome is widely used across the globe and many other platforms, both smartphones and computers.
Google wants to keep it's chrome users busy roaming on their browser even when without WiFi or cellular network connection and by this, they’ve introduced a game called dinosaur cactus in their browser. This game can keep you all day on their browser, also this game can be played only when you are offline, so before you can play this game, turn off your WiFi and data connection.
Let's Get Playing.

On Mobile devices,
  1. Turn off your internet connection and open the chrome browser.
  2. Type in the address bar any website and press enter/OK/Go.
  3. After that, you should get a similar display as below.
  1. Hit on the dinosaur to get rolling.

On Computers,
  1. Turn off your internet connection and type in the address bar any website and hit enter.
  2. You should get a similar display as below.
  3. Use the upward arrow on your keyboard to start the game.
  4. When game over, hit only on the upward arrow to start a new game.

Happy gaming :)

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